Thursday, September 1, 2016

Rainbow carrots!

Let me start off by saying how much I love rainbow carrots. When we first found them several years ago BC (Before Children) I couldn't believe i had never seen them before. They also got me not only liking carrots more, they got me away from the bleached baby carrots. They just have such an amazing flavor that once you start eating them it is hard to go back to regular orange carrots. These actually have subtle differences in flavor. So far my favorites are the red ones or the purple with the orange inside a bit better than the purple with the yellow inside, The yellow are yummy to but I like the darker ones best. and then once you eat a peeled baby carrot it almost seems like they have no flavor and are a hint chemical tasting. while i cant lie, the convience of baby carrots is appealing, there is just no competition. I will never go back. I am glad i found this out from the begining of my kids lives as they have always known that there are rainbow carrot s and they have their favorites as well.

one of our beautiful finds at the farmers market this past weekend were quail eggs. Kinder-minion does not really like the yolks of boiled eggs, the whole texture issue, or even deviled eggs, but quail eggsa are so small he typically will eat them whole with a little bit of sesame seed and salt sprinkled on top so that was a win for me.  He had a leftover muffin from Jason's Deli, then the middle was snap peas and purple cauliflower, for his fruit he had a medley of berries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and pomagranet seeds, roasted turkey chunks, smoked cheddar cubes and then a peanut carrot noodle salad.

I did not really have a recipe for this as it was kind of thrown together. I put in a a splash of soy sauce, some lime juice, maybe a 1/4 tsp of sesame oil, little bit of ground fresh ginger and some salt and pepper to taste. I thought it was perfect, however i have a hard time remembering sometimes that this is for my sons tastes buds not mine. I called him in to help me by tasting it to which he thought it had too much lime and not enough peanut butter. Thanks to the squeezy peanut butter bottle he added about an 1/8th of a cup if not more to his noodles and then some sesame seeds (Gomasio) and he finally conceded this was a winner. Hooray! He managed to finish almost everything leaving maybe half of the noodles but everything else was gone.

Items used. To make the noodles i used a julieene peeler by OXO, pretty sure i got that from bed bath and beyond. I also used silicone muffin liners as dividers which were about $3-$4 at walmart in their baking section either in the food part or by party items. The lunch box was from PotteryBarn. I think they are called bento boxes, I got a set of 2 off ebay for $5. They are not my favorite so far. They are very deep though. Likely will get more use out of them when serving a salad or big sandwhiches, so maybe in a year or two. Just seems like it holds too much for my 5 year old for the moment.

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