Monday, August 15, 2016

First Day of School!!!!

So Today was my kinder-minions 1st day of school and I am soo happy it was a success! He loved it and it was super nice spending a half day with my pre mini minion. Last night we did some prep work in the kitchen for lunches with proteins and some precooking and leftovers for this weeks lunches. we made his favorite pasta in bulk and i portioned it all out to fit inside his thermos so that he has a total of 6 meals ready to go in the freezer. Then we made a batch of corn dogs in a cake pop maker. We mixed a batch of corn bread up and then separated enough batter for 2 "cakes" of batter and then added a chopped up cooked hot dog and a half. It made 3 cakes. it also made a total of 6 servings of said cakes, Awesome.

     So after filling out our weekly menu I needed to figure out what lunch box i planned to use and since the one I originally wanted to use had not come in yet I decided that the plane box would work fine since it is all dry foods in the box anyway. Here is what the weekly menu looks like.

     Now obviously all of this is likely to change. But this helps me dramatically when budgeting and grocery shopping. Today's menu was corndog balls, carrots and broccoli, cheese sticks, strawberries and grapes, pickles and olives and date balls were snack. Which laid out nicely in his planet box. I even added a small squeezy pouch of ketchup. Which my non sauce or dressing child had very recently now accepted as an ok thing to have as long as it is a small amount and he can do it himself. WINNING!

     now of course after seeing all of this mind you I started thinking maybe I packed too much food and began to wonder how much of this was he going to be bringing back home with him. I was very very upset to find out he would be bringing home ALL of it.  SO, first day of school we received a notice saying that lunch would be offered free for the first day as it was being catered from chic-fila. Now while this is exciting for some people and back in the day i would have been excited too, however. I am proud of the fact that our kids at the age of 4 and 5 have never eaten at a fast food restaurant before. We have never taken them. We do not feed them processed junk, we try not to even buy it. I normally make for my kids and they enjoy eating TONS of fruit and veggies because that is all they have ever had as options. Sure i make special treats for them, I am not a monster, But i enjoy cooking and making things from scratch and knowing what goes in it. They do not melt down for wanting to live off fries or chicken nuggets because those have never been an option to them. So when I heard that it was fast food take out (i was really excited to finally get to make my son his lunch and get to use all the boxes i have been collecting for this very day) i gladly still packed his lunch. When picking him up, honestly i was looking forward to finding out how i had done for him and what he had left. so when he ran and jumped into my arms and I asked him how his day was, he immediately asked me. "mommy, can I please eat my lunch?" I asked him if he had any left and he told me he was not allowed to eat his lunch because they gave him chicken nuggets, chips and a juice box. Livid was an understatement. I felt so bad and also so angry that the 1st time my kids were exposed to this was at school. i am not naive that my kids will eventually trade food with other kids, or that there will be parties and i cant control what they eat. But I packed him food. Just cus it is free doesn't mean that it is ok if i still pack him his lunch. What was very eye opening is he had eaten only 2 hours prior and within 10 minutes in the car, this was his full container of lunch.

He ate like he had never been fed. He drank so much water from all the fast food salt. and then told me he loved me and he LOVED LOVE LOVED his lunch. Today as we were getting ready for song before bed I asked him what we would like me to put in his lunch and told him his options i had written down for the week,. He crawled into my lap and hugged me and whispered in my ear "Surprise me." Seriously. I love my lil minion. He made my heart melt. I planned on sending a note to school with him to his teacher. I obviously don't know if he was told he could not have his lunch, or if he didn't tell the teachers he had brought his lunch or if he just followed and never said anything since he can be very shy. But since I can still walk him to his classroom till labor day. I plan to just let her know, if i send him with food. please feed it to him. Please don't give him unapproved crap without permission from either my husband or I. Am I wrong for feeling this bent out of shape over this? 

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